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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import itertools
import operator

import numpy as np

import primo.nodes

class UtilityTable(object):
    self.variables -- list of the parent nodes
    self.table -- utility table which contains the utility
    def __init__(self):
        super(UtilityTable, self).__init__()
        self.table = np.array(0)
        self.variables = []
    def add_variable(self, variable):

        ax = self.table.ndim
        self.table=np.repeat(self.table,len(variable.value_range),axis = ax)

    def get_ut_index(self, node_value_pairs):
        nodes, values = zip(*node_value_pairs)
        index = []
        for node in self.variables:
            index_in_values_list = nodes.index(node)
            value = values[index_in_values_list]
        return tuple(index)    
    def set_utility_table(self, table, nodes):
        if not set(nodes) == set(self.variables):
            raise Exception("The list which should define the ordering of the variables does not match"
                " the variables that this cpt depends on (plus the node itself)")
        if not self.table.ndim == table.ndim:
            raise Exception("The provided probability table does not have the right number of dimensions")
        for d,node in enumerate(nodes):
            if len(node.value_range) != table.shape[d]:
                raise Exception("The size of the provided probability table does not match the number of possible values of the node "" in dimension "+str(d))

        self.table = table
        self.variables = nodes
    def set_utility(self, value, node_value_pairs):
        index = self.get_ut_index(node_value_pairs)
    def get_utility_table(self):
        return self.table
    def get_variables(self):
        return self.variables
    def get_utility(self, node_value_pairs):
        index = self.get_ut_index(node_value_pairs)
        return self.table[index]

    def __str__(self):
        return str(self.table)
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class MakeDecision(object):
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    Calculates a Decision on a given Bayesian Decision Network
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    def __init__(self, bdn = None):
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        Keyword arguments:
        bdn -- Bayesian Decision Network (default None)
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        super(MakeDecision, self).__init__()
        self.bdn = bdn
    def set_bdn(self, bdn):
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        Sets the Bayesian Decision Network
        Keyword arguments:
        bdn -- Bayesian Decision Network
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        self.bdn = bdn
    def get_bdn(self):
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        Getter for the Bayesian Decision Network
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        return self.bdn
    def max_sum(self, decisionNode):
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        """Implementation of the max sum Algorithm to get the best Decision (according to the MEU principle).
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        maximize over decisions and summing over RandomNodes.
        This function sets the state of provided DecisionNode, so later decisions can't affect that Node
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        Keyword arguments:
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        decisionNode -- Decision Node on which the decision should be made
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        if self.bdn == None:
            raise Exception("Bayesian Decision Network was not set!")
        partialOrder = self.bdn.get_partialOrdering()
        utility_nodes = self.bdn.get_all_utility_nodes()
        if not partialOrder:
            raise Exception("No partial Order was set!")
        if decisionNode not in partialOrder:
            raise Exception("Decision Node is not in the partial Order!")
        if not self.bdn.is_valid():
            raise Exception("The Bayesian Decision Network is not valid!")
        #Check if the Decision Nodes that are ordered before the provided Decision Node have a state
        for node in partialOrder:
            if isinstance(node, primo.nodes.DecisionNode):
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                if not ==
                    if node.get_state() is None:
                        raise Exception("Decision Nodes that are ordered before the provided Decision Node must have a state!")
        '''Run through the partialOrder in reverse. Get the last two Nodes, reduce the Random Nodes with the Decision Node 
        parent and with the decisions already made. Then multiply the cpts of the Random Nodes. Multiply the probability values 
        with the sum of the utility values and calculate the best decision (which has the MEU).
        randomNodes = self.bdn.get_all_nodes()
        future_best_decisions = []
        finish = False
        for i in range(len(partialOrder)-1, -1, -2):
            max_utility = []
            #for every decision value of the decision node
            for decValue in partialOrder[i-1].get_value_range():
                #if the decision already have a value then abort. The decision has already been made.
                if not partialOrder[i-1].get_state() == None:
                    finish = True
                cpts = []
                #reduce Random Nodes with a Decision value
                for rNode in randomNodes:
                    if partialOrder[i-1] in self.bdn.get_parents(rNode):
                        cpts.append(rNode.get_cpd_reduced([(partialOrder[i-1], decValue)]))
                #reduce the cpts with the future_best_decisions
                for j in range(0,len(cpts)):
                    for node,value in future_best_decisions:
                        if node in cpts[j].get_variables():
                            cpts[j] = cpts[j].reduction([(node,value)])
                #multiply the cpts
                jointCPT = cpts[0]
                for j in range(1,len(cpts)):
                    jointCPT = jointCPT.multiplication(cpts[j])
                #calculate Utility
                table = jointCPT.get_table()
                value_range_list = []
                #get every variable instantiation
                for var in jointCPT.get_variables():
                    for value in var.get_value_range():
                    if tupleList:    
                #get all possible assignments 
                permutationList = []
                if len(value_range_list) >= 2:
                    permutationList = list(itertools.product(*value_range_list))
                    permutationList = value_range_list
                #save the results of each probability value and the according sum of utilities
                result = []
                if len(permutationList) > 1:
                    for perm in permutationList:
                        index = jointCPT.get_cpt_index(perm)
                        value = table[index]
                        result.append(value * self.calculate_utility(perm, (partialOrder[i-1],decValue), future_best_decisions))
                    for perm in permutationList[0]:
                        index = jointCPT.get_cpt_index([perm])
                        value = table[index]
                        result.append(value * self.calculate_utility([perm], (partialOrder[i-1],decValue), future_best_decisions))
                #end result for this decision
            #nothing more to do since the decision has already been made
            if finish:
            zippedList = zip(*max_utility)
            val = max(zippedList[1])
            ind = zippedList[1].index(val)
            #Best Decision
            best_decision = zippedList[0][ind]
        #the last one is the decision that we want to know about    
        return future_best_decisions[len(future_best_decisions)-1]    
    def calculate_utility(self, assignment, currentDecision, list_of_best_decision):
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        Sums up the utility values
        Keyword arguments:
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        assignment -- the assignment of the variables
        currentDecision -- the current decision that we want to calculate
        list_of_best_decision -- list of the decisions that are lying in the future
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        zippedAssignment = zip(*assignment)
        zippedDecisions = zip(*list_of_best_decision)
        utility_nodes = self.bdn.get_all_utility_nodes()

        for uNode in utility_nodes:
            tempList = []
            parent_nodes = self.bdn.get_parents(uNode)
            for node in parent_nodes:
                if node in zippedAssignment[0]:
                    index = zippedAssignment[0].index(node)
                elif zippedDecisions:    
                    if node in zippedDecisions[0]:
                        index = zippedDecisions[0].index(node)
        return sum(utilityList)