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import random
import copy

def weighted_random(weights):
    Implements roulette-wheel-sampling.
    @param weights: A List of float-values.
    @returns: Index of the selected entity
    counter = random.random() * sum(weights)
    for i,w in enumerate(weights):
        counter -= w
        if counter <=0:
            return i

class GibbsTransitionModel(object):
    Implements Gibbs-sampling. Can be used to constuct a Markov Chain and is
    mainly used by MarkovChainSampler.
    After "Probabilistic Graphical Models, Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman"(p.506)
    def __init__(self):
    def transition(self, network, state, extern_evidence):
        Does one single state transition.
        @param network: A BayesNet.
        @param state: The current state of the BayesNet. Given as a Dict from
            RandomNode to Value
        @param extern_evidence: Evidence that is given by the user. This is a
            Dict from Node to Evidence.
        nodes = network.get_nodes([])
        nodes_to_resample=[n for n in nodes if not n in extern_evidence.keys() or extern_evidence[n].get_unique_value() == None]

        for node in nodes_to_resample:
            if parents:
                evidence=[(parent,state[parent]) for parent in parents]
                reduced_cpd = node.get_cpd_reduced(evidence)
                reduced_cpd = node.get_cpd()
            #reduce the children's cpds
            children = network.get_children(node)
            for child in children:
                #reduce this node's cpd
                evidence=[(parent,state[parent]) for parent in parents if parent != node]
                reduced_child_cpd = child.get_cpd_reduced(evidence)

                reduced_cpd = reduced_cpd.multiplication(reduced_child_cpd)

        return state
class MetropolisHastingsTransitionModel(object):
    Implements the Metropolis-Hastings-Algorithm. Can be used to constuct a Markov Chain.
    After "Probabilistic Graphical Models, Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman"(p.644)
    def __init__(self):
    def _compute_p_of_value_given_mb(self, network, state, node, value):
        if parents:
            evidence=[(parent,state[parent]) for parent in parents]
        p = node.get_probability(value,evidence)
        children = network.get_children(node)
        for child in children:
            #reduce this node's cpd
            evidence=[(parent,state[parent]) for parent in parents if parent != node]
            p = p * child.get_probability(state[child],evidence)
        return p
    def transition(self, network, state, extern_evidence):
        Does one single state transition.
        @param network: A BayesNet.
        @param state: The current state of the BayesNet. Given as a Dict from
            RandomNode to Value
        @param extern_evidence: Evidence that is given by the user. This is a
            Dict from Node to Evidence.
        nodes = network.get_nodes([])
        nodes_to_resample=[n for n in nodes if not n in extern_evidence.keys() or extern_evidence[n].get_unique_value() == None]
        for node in nodes_to_resample:
            #propose a new value for this variable:
            current_value = state[node]
            proposed_value = node.sample_local(current_value, extern_evidence)
            p_of_proposal_given_mb = self._compute_p_of_value_given_mb(network, state, node, proposed_value)
            p_of_current_given_mb = self._compute_p_of_value_given_mb(network, state, node, current_value)

            acceptance_probability = min(1.0,  p_of_proposal_given_mb/p_of_current_given_mb * 1.0/1.0)
            if random.random() <= acceptance_probability:
        return state    

class MarkovChainSampler(object):
    Can be used to generate a Markov Chain by sampling a Bayesian Network. This
    object is mainly used by the MCMC inference class.
    def __init__(self, transition_model, convergence_test):
        @param transition_model: This object is used to determine the next state
            for the chain. Can be GibbsTransitionModel or MetropolisHastingsTransitionModel.
        @param convergence_test: A Test that is being used to determine if the
            markov chain has converged to its stationary distribution. For example
    def set_convergence_test(self, test):
    def generateMarkovChain(self, network, time_steps, initial_state, evidence={}, variables_of_interest=[]):
        This function generates a markov chain by sampling from a bayesian network.
        It is possible to use different transition functions.
        After "Probabilistic Graphical Models, Daphne Koller and Nir Friedman"(p.509)
        @param network: A BayesNet.
        @param time_steps: Integer specifying how long the chain shall be.
        @param initial_state: The state from which transition will start.
        @param evidence: A Dict from RandomNode to Evidence.
        @param variables_of_interest: If not all variable instantiations are needed
            this List of RandomNode objects can be used to select which Nodes
            are mentioned in the return object.
        @returns: A Generator-object for a List of States. Each state is a Dict
            from RandomNode to Value
        if evidence:
            for node in evidence.keys():
                if  not evidence[node].is_compatible(state[node]):
                    raise Exception("The evidence given does not fit to the initial_state specified")
#            constant_nodes = evidence.keys()
#        else:
#            constant_nodes=[]
        #let the distribution converge to the target distribution
        while not self.convergence_test.has_converged(state):
            state=self.transition_model.transition(network, state, evidence)
        #finally sample from the target distribution
        for t in xrange(time_steps):
            if variables_of_interest:
                yield self._reduce_state_to_variables_of_interest(state, variables_of_interest)
                yield state
            state=self.transition_model.transition(network, state, evidence)
    def _reduce_state_to_variables_of_interest(self, state, variables_of_interest):
        return dict((k,v) for (k,v) in state.iteritems() if k in variables_of_interest)