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  • Florian Schröder's avatar
    Update SSL usage and enhance argument parsing · 843b145f
    Florian Schröder authored
    With this commit, the game now supports SSL connections. In addition, the argument parsing workflow was fundamentally improved to provide a clearer, better-structured usage of command line arguments for different functionalities. It also includes updates to the help documentations - now, each of these functionalities are accessible as subcommands with their own help messages. A minor update was also made to the test suite to reflect these changes.
    Update SSL usage and enhance argument parsing
    Florian Schröder authored
    With this commit, the game now supports SSL connections. In addition, the argument parsing workflow was fundamentally improved to provide a clearer, better-structured usage of command line arguments for different functionalities. It also includes updates to the help documentations - now, each of these functionalities are accessible as subcommands with their own help messages. A minor update was also made to the test suite to reflect these changes.
To find the state of this project's repository at the time of any of these versions, check out the tags. 3.63 KiB

Release Notes

How to keep the changelog:

  • Added for new features.
  • Changed for changes in existing functionality.
  • Deprecated for soon-to-be removed features.
  • Removed for now removed features.
  • Fixed for any bug fixes.
  • Security in case of vulnerabilities.



  • Send full websocket url in player_info.
  • ">90"% code coverage in tests
  • i18n for the gui
  • Controller hotplugging
  • Hook when returning items to dispensers
  • Displaying image of served meals on game conclusion screen
  • Pathfinding in random agent
  • Level layouts from 2d-grid-overcooked-literature
  • Caching of graph recipe layouts
  • Control screenshot, replay, single game/study server, gui via cli (sub commands)


  • cli control changed cooperative_cuisine is now cooperative-cuisine (- instead of _)
  • cli now uses commands. Use cooperative-cuisine start now for the same behaviour as before (add arguments).
  • cooperative-cuisine with arguments does not work anymore. The "no arguments" call results in running with defaults. If you want to add arguments use the start subcommand
  • cooperative-cuisine -h provides an overview of all sub commands. For individual help for each coomand, run cooperative-cuisine COMMAND -h.
  • extra_setup_functions now only contain hook callback classes (hook_callbacks). Therefore, the func and kwargs fields were removed and the kwargs are now the standard values for defined hooks. This reduced the complexity of the config.
  • The study config can now overwrite environment config attributes. This reduces the need to copy environment configs for each level in the config.
  • Most time comparisons (countdowns, etc.) are now compared with <= and not <. This is handy for testing and definition.
  • Player config in the environment class is now a dataclass and not a dict. The content remains the same. Just the access changes from dict access to normal object like access.
  • Some type hint additions
  • Better drawing of orders, now in a pygame_gui UIImage
  • Buttons for setting player controls in the GUI disappear depending on number of players
  • Icon for serving window, now a star

