Florian Schröder authored
The 'order.py' module has been renamed to 'orders.py' for consistency and clarity. All references to this file within the code base, including import statements and comments, have been updated to reflect this change. A safer and more coherent codebase enhances readability and maintainability.
Florian Schröder authoredThe 'order.py' module has been renamed to 'orders.py' for consistency and clarity. All references to this file within the code base, including import statements and comments, have been updated to reflect this change. A safer and more coherent codebase enhances readability and maintainability.
environment_config.yaml 5.64 KiB
clean_plates: 2
dirty_plates: 0
plate_delay: [ 5, 10 ]
# range of seconds until the dirty plate arrives.
time_limit_seconds: 300
undo_dispenser_pickup: true
all: true
# if all: false -> only orders for these meals are generated
# TODO: what if this list is empty?
- TomatoSoup
- OnionSoup
- Salad
_: Free
hash: Counter # #
A: Agent
pipe: Extinguisher
P: PlateDispenser
C: CuttingBoard
X: Trashcan
$: ServingWindow
S: Sink
+: SinkAddon
at: Plate # @ just a clean plate on a counter
U: Pot # with Stove
Q: Pan # with Stove
O: Peel # with Oven
F: Basket # with DeepFryer
T: Tomato
N: Onion # oNioN
L: Lettuce
K: Potato # Kartoffel
I: Fish # fIIIsh
D: Dough
E: Cheese # chEEEse
G: Sausage # sausaGe
B: Bun
M: Meat
question: Counter # ? mushroom
↓: Counter
^: Counter
right: Counter
left: Counter
wave: Free # ~ Water
minus: Free # - Ice
dquote: Counter # " wall/truck
p: Counter # second plate return ??
order_gen_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration ''
# the class to that receives the kwargs. Should be a child class of OrderGeneration in orders.py
# how long should the orders be alive
# 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
func: uniform
a: 40
b: 60
max_orders: 6
# maximum number of active orders at the same time
num_start_meals: 2