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  • Florian Schröder's avatar
    PlateReturn is now PlateDispenser (just a Dispenser), · ad544b0a
    Florian Schröder authored
    Changed path concatenation,
    Created dataclass for item information,
    pass item config path via argument of the environment,
    no tomato class anymore,
    no pot class anymore,
    no soup and pan class,
    now everything is either a meal, cuttableitem, item, cookingequipment or plate. maybe do the plate as a cooking equipment next.
    PlateReturn is now PlateDispenser (just a Dispenser),
    Florian Schröder authored
    Changed path concatenation,
    Created dataclass for item information,
    pass item config path via argument of the environment,
    no tomato class anymore,
    no pot class anymore,
    no soup and pan class,
    now everything is either a meal, cuttableitem, item, cookingequipment or plate. maybe do the plate as a cooking equipment next.