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Commit 59c2f1ed authored by Tamino Huxohl's avatar Tamino Huxohl
Browse files

add script to prepare a dataset from dicom directories

parent dec37349
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import argparse
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from enum import Enum
import os
from typing import List
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import pydicom
class MyocardialProtocol(Enum):
Stress = 1
Rest = 2
headers = argparse.Namespace() = "id"
headers.patient_id = "patient_id"
headers.age = "age"
headers.weight = "weight"
headers.size = "size"
headers.protocol = "protocol"
headers.datetime_acquisition = "datetime_acquisition"
headers.datetime_reconstruction = "datetime_reconstruction"
headers.pixel_spacing_x = "pixel_spacing_x"
headers.pixel_spacing_y = "pixel_spacing_y"
headers.pixel_spacing_z = "pixel_spacing_z"
headers.shape_x = "shape_x"
headers.shape_y = "shape_y"
headers.shape_z = "shape_z"
headers.radiopharmaceutical = "radiopharmaceutical"
headers.radionuclide_dose = "radionuclide_dose"
headers.radionuclide_code = "radionuclide_code"
headers.radionuclide_meaning = "radionuclide_meaning"
headers.energy_window_peak_lower = "energy_window_peak_lower"
headers.energy_window_peak_upper = "energy_window_peak_upper"
headers.energy_window_scatter_lower = "energy_window_scatter_lower"
headers.energy_window_scatter_upper = "energy_window_scatter_upper"
headers.detector_count = "detector_count"
headers.collimator_type = "collimator_type"
headers.rotation_start = "rotation_start"
headers.rotation_step = "rotation_step"
headers.rotation_scan_arc = "rotation_scan_arc"
headers.file_recon_ac = "file_recon_ac"
headers.file_recon_no_ac = "file_recon_no_ac"
headers.file_mu_map = "file_mu_map"
def parse_series_time(dicom_image: pydicom.dataset.FileDataset) -> datetime:
Parse the date and time of a DICOM series object into a datetime object.
:param dicom_image: the dicom file to parse the series date and time from
:return: an according python datetime object.
_date = dicom_image.SeriesDate
_time = dicom_image.SeriesTime
return datetime(
def parse_age(patient_age: str) -> int:
Parse and age string as defined in the DICOM standard into an integer representing the age in years.
:param patient_age: age string as defined in the DICOM standard
:return: the age in years as a number
assert (
type(patient_age) == str
), f"patient age needs to be a string and not {type(patient_age)}"
assert (
len(patient_age) == 4
), f"patient age [{patient_age}] has to be four characters long"
_num, _format = patient_age[:3], patient_age[3]
assert (
_format == "Y"
), f"currently, only patient ages in years [Y] is supported, not [{_format}]"
return int(_num)
def get_projection(dicom_images: List[pydicom.dataset.FileDataset], protocol: MyocardialProtocol) -> pydicom.dataset.FileDataset:
Extract the SPECT projection from a list of DICOM images belonging to a myocardial scintigraphy study given a study protocol.
:param dicom_images: list of DICOM images of a study
:param protocol: the protocol for which the projection images should be extracted
:return: the extracted DICOM image
dicom_images = filter(lambda image: "TOMO" in image.ImageType, dicom_images)
dicom_images = filter(lambda image: in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images)
dicom_images = list(dicom_images)
if len(dicom_images) != 1:
raise ValueError(f"No or multiple projections {len(dicom_images)} for protocol {} available")
return dicom_images[0]
def get_reconstruction(dicom_images: List[pydicom.dataset.FileDataset], protocol: MyocardialProtocol, corrected:bool=True) -> pydicom.dataset.FileDataset:
Extract a SPECT reconstruction from a list of DICOM images belonging to a myocardial scintigraphy study given a study protocol.
The corrected flag can be used to either extract an attenuation corrected or a non-attenuation corrected image.
If there are multiple images, they are sorted by acquisition date and the newest is returned.
:param dicom_images: list of DICOM images of a study
:param protocol: the protocol for which the projection images should be extracted
:param corrected: extract an attenuation or non-attenuation corrected image
:return: the extracted DICOM image
dicom_images = filter(lambda image: "RECON TOMO" in image.ImageType, dicom_images)
dicom_images = filter(lambda image: in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images)
if corrected:
dicom_images = filter(
lambda image: "AC" in image.SeriesDescription
and "NoAC" not in image.SeriesDescription,
dicom_images = list(dicom_images)
dicom_images = filter(
lambda image: "NoAC" in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images
# for SPECT reconstructions created in clinical studies this value exists and is set to 'APEX_TO_BASE'
# for the reconstructions with attenuation maps it does not exist
dicom_images = filter(
lambda image: not hasattr(image, "SliceProgressionDirection"), dicom_images
dicom_images = list(dicom_images)
dicom_images.sort(key=lambda image: parse_series_time(image), reverse=True)
if len(dicom_images) == 0:
_str = "AC" if corrected else "NoAC"
raise ValueError(f"{_str} Reconstruction for protocol {} is not available")
return dicom_images[0]
def get_attenuation_map(dicom_images: List[pydicom.dataset.FileDataset], protocol: MyocardialProtocol) -> pydicom.dataset.FileDataset:
Extract an attenuation map from a list of DICOM images belonging to a myocardial scintigraphy study given a study protocol.
If there are multiple attenuation maps, they are sorted by acquisition date and the newest is returned.
:param dicom_images: list of DICOM images of a study
:param protocol: the protocol for which the projection images should be extracted
:return: the extracted DICOM image
dicom_images = filter(lambda image: "RECON TOMO" in image.ImageType, dicom_images)
dicom_images = filter(lambda image: in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images)
dicom_images = filter(lambda image: "µ-map" in image.SeriesDescription, dicom_images)
dicom_images = list(dicom_images)
dicom_images.sort(key=lambda image: parse_series_time(image), reverse=True)
if len(dicom_images) == 0:
raise ValueError(f"Attenuation map for protocol {} is not available")
return dicom_images[0]
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Prepare a dataset from DICOM directories",
help="paths to DICOMDIR files or directories containing one of them",
parser.add_argument("--dataset_dir", type=str, required=True, help="")
parser.add_argument("--images_dir", type=str, default="images", help="")
parser.add_argument("--csv", type=str, default="data.csv", help="")
parser.add_argument("--prefix_projection", type=str, default="projection", help="")
parser.add_argument("--prefix_mu_map", type=str, default="mu_map", help="")
parser.add_argument("--prefix_recon_ac", type=str, default="recon_ac", help="")
parser.add_argument("--prefix_recon_no_ac", type=str, default="recon_no_ac", help="")
args = parser.parse_args()
args.dicom_dirs = [
(os.path.dirname(_file) if os.path.isfile(_file) else _file)
for _file in args.dicom_dirs
args.images_dir = os.path.join(args.dataset_dir, args.images_dir)
args.csv = os.path.join(args.dataset_dir, args.csv)
patients = []
dicom_dir_by_patient = {}
for dicom_dir in args.dicom_dirs:
dataset = pydicom.dcmread(os.path.join(dicom_dir, "DICOMDIR"))
for patient in dataset.patient_records:
assert (
patient.PatientID not in dicom_dir_by_patient
), f"Patient {patient.PatientID} is contained twice in the given DICOM directories ({dicom_dir} and {dicom_dir_by_patient[patient.PatientID]})"
dicom_dir_by_patient[patient.PatientID] = dicom_dir
if not os.path.exists(args.dataset_dir):
if not os.path.exists(args.images_dir):
_id = 1
if os.path.exists(args.csv):
data = pd.read_csv(args.csv)
_id = int(data[].max())
data = pd.DataFrame(dict([(key, []) for key in vars(headers).keys()]))
for i, patient in enumerate(patients, start=1):
print(f"Process patient {str(i):>3}/{len(patients)}:")
# get all myocardial scintigraphy studies
studies = list(
lambda child: child.DirectoryRecordType == "STUDY"
and child.StudyDescription == "Myokardszintigraphie",
# extract all dicom images
dicom_images = []
for study in studies:
series = list(
filter(lambda child: child.DirectoryRecordType == "SERIES", study.children)
for _series in series:
images = list(
lambda child: child.DirectoryRecordType == "IMAGE", _series.children
# all SPECT data is stored as a single 3D array which means that it is a series with a single image
# this is not the case for CTs, which are skipped here
if len(images) != 1:
images = list(
lambda image: pydicom.dcmread(
os.path.join(dicom_dir_by_patient[patient.PatientID], *image.ReferencedFileID),
if len(images) == 0:
for protocol in MyocardialProtocol:
if len(data[(data[headers.patient_id] == patient.PatientID) & (data[headers.protocol] ==]) > 0:
print(f"Skip {patient.PatientID}:{} since it is already contained in the dataset")
projection_image = get_projection(dicom_images, protocol=protocol)
recon_ac = get_reconstruction(dicom_images, protocol=protocol, corrected=True)
recon_noac = get_reconstruction(dicom_images, protocol=protocol, corrected=False)
attenuation_map = get_attenuation_map(dicom_images, protocol=protocol)
except ValueError as e:
print(f"Skip {patient.PatientID}:{} because {e}")
recon_images = [recon_ac, recon_noac, attenuation_map]
# extract date times and assert that they are equal for all reconstruction images
datetimes = list(map(parse_series_time, recon_images))
_datetimes = sorted(datetimes, reverse=True)
_datetimes_delta = list(map(lambda dt: _datetimes[0] - dt, _datetimes))
_equal = all(map(lambda dt: dt < timedelta(seconds=300), _datetimes_delta))
assert (
), f"Not all dates and times of the reconstructions are equal: {datetimes}"
# extract pixel spacings and assert that they are equal for all reconstruction images
pixel_spacings = map(
lambda image: [*image.PixelSpacing, image.SliceThickness], recon_images
pixel_spacings = map(
lambda pixel_spacing: list(map(float, pixel_spacing)), pixel_spacings
pixel_spacings = map(
lambda pixel_spacing: np.array(pixel_spacing), pixel_spacings
pixel_spacings = list(pixel_spacings)
_equal = all(
lambda pixel_spacing: (pixel_spacing == pixel_spacings[0]).all(),
assert (
), f"Not all pixel spacings of the reconstructions are equal: {pixel_spacings}"
pixel_spacing = pixel_spacings[0]
# extract shapes and assert that they are equal for all reconstruction images
shapes = map(
lambda image: [image.Rows, image.Columns, image.NumberOfSlices],
shapes = map(lambda shape: list(map(int, shape)), shapes)
shapes = map(lambda shape: np.array(shape), shapes)
shapes = list(shapes)
_equal = all(map(lambda shape: (shape == shapes[0]).all(), shapes))
# assert _equal, f"Not all shapes of the reconstructions are equal: {shapes}"
# print(shapes)
shape = shapes[0]
# exctract and sort energy windows
energy_windows = projection_image.EnergyWindowInformationSequence
energy_windows = map(
lambda ew: ew.EnergyWindowRangeSequence[0], energy_windows
energy_windows = map(
lambda ew: (
energy_windows = list(energy_windows)
energy_windows.sort(key=lambda ew: ew[0], reverse=True)
# re-read images with pixel-level data and save accordingly
projection_image = pydicom.dcmread(projection_image.filename)
recon_ac = pydicom.dcmread(recon_ac.filename)
recon_noac = pydicom.dcmread(recon_noac.filename)
attenuation_map = pydicom.dcmread(attenuation_map.filename)
pydicom.dcmwrite(os.path.join(args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_projection}.dcm"), projection_image)
pydicom.dcmwrite(os.path.join(args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_recon_ac}.dcm"), recon_ac)
pydicom.dcmwrite(os.path.join(args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_recon_no_ac}.dcm"), recon_noac)
pydicom.dcmwrite(os.path.join(args.images_dir, f"{_id:04d}-{}-{args.prefix_mu_map}.dcm"), attenuation_map)
row = { _id,
headers.patient_id: projection_image.PatientID,
headers.age: parse_age(projection_image.PatientAge),
headers.weight: float(projection_image.PatientWeight),
headers.size: float(projection_image.PatientSize),
headers.datetime_acquisition: parse_series_time(projection_image),
headers.datetime_reconstruction: datetimes[0],
headers.pixel_spacing_x: pixel_spacing[0],
headers.pixel_spacing_y: pixel_spacing[1],
headers.pixel_spacing_z: pixel_spacing[2],
headers.shape_x: shape[0],
headers.shape_y: shape[1],
headers.shape_z: shape[2],
headers.radiopharmaceutical: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[
headers.radionuclide_dose: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[
headers.radionuclide_code: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[
headers.radionuclide_meaning: projection_image.RadiopharmaceuticalInformationSequence[
headers.energy_window_peak_lower: energy_windows[0][0],
headers.energy_window_peak_upper: energy_windows[0][1],
headers.energy_window_scatter_lower: energy_windows[1][0],
headers.energy_window_scatter_upper: energy_windows[1][1],
headers.detector_count: len(projection_image.DetectorInformationSequence),
headers.collimator_type: projection_image.DetectorInformationSequence[
headers.rotation_start: float(
headers.rotation_step: float(
headers.rotation_scan_arc: float(
headers.file_recon_ac: "filename_recon_ac.dcm",
headers.file_recon_no_ac: "filename_recon_no_ac.dcm",
headers.file_mu_map: "filanem_mu_map.dcm",
_id += 1
row = pd.DataFrame(row, index=[0])
data = pd.concat((data, row), ignore_index=True)
data.to_csv(args.csv, index=False)
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