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  • feature/hydra_config
  • main default protected
2 results
Created with Raphaël 2.2.01Jun31May3027Mar20Feb17151476130Jan2619181365423Dec222119161514139723Nov181716109226Oct2524212018171413121110765428Sep27262131Aug30292524181716119adapt other depending codeload nrrd files and update conversion - file handling in generalupdate dicom implementation with a dataclass wrapping header and image as well additional functionalityimplement automatic patient bed detectionupdate label of loss type plot in random_search.eval.paramsupdate perfusion figure sizeuse is_dicom from pydicom and only scale dicom images if scaling is availableUpdate image/video display in readmeadd video as webminclude video in READMEdocument logging moduleadd AM/PM classifier to loggingadd a module descriptionmove top-level util script to vis packageremove outdated top-level scriptsrevice documentation of vis modulepolar map visualization shows segments and perfusion scoresadd example videoupdate and fix create video scriptMerge branch 'main' of polar map imageMerge branch 'main' of polar maps and script to create video of attenuation mapsUpdate text and internal links.update ReadmeMerge branch 'main' of pyproject.tomlAdd LICENSErevice documentation of training modulerevice documentation of scripts modulerevice documentation of recon modulerevice documentation of random_search modulerevice documentation of random_search modulerevice documentation of random_search.eval modulerevice documentation of polar_map modulerevice documentation of model modulerevice documentation of file modulerevice documentation of eval modulerevice documentation of dataset modulerevice documentation of data module