<N_genderperson> = man | woman | boy | girl | (male person) | (female person);
<N_genderpersonplural> = men | women | boys | girls | male | female;
<N_talk> = (something about yourself) | (the time) | (what day is (today | tomorrow)) | (your teams (name | country | affiliation)) | (the day of the (week | month)) | (a joke);
<N_answer> = (a question);
<N_personalpron> = them | her | him;
<N_talk> = (something about yourself) | (the time) | (what day is (today | tomorrow)) | (your teams (name | country | affiliation)) | (the day of the (week | month)) | (a joke);
<N_name_old> = emma | olivia | sophia | ava | isabella | mia | abigail | emily | charlotte | harper | noah | liam | mason | jacob | william | ethan | james | alexander | michael | benjamin;
<N_name> = alex | charlie | elizabeth | francis | jennifer | linda | mary | patricia | james | john | michael | robert | robin | skyler | william;