teaching.md 1.43 KiB
permalink: /teaching/
layout: single
title: "Courses"
overlay_image: /assets/images/home_banner.jpg
classes: wide
- info
- RoboCup
- teaching
image: /assets/images/teaching/laptop_kai.jpg
image_alt: "Robocup at Home logo"
- title: "Courses"
text: |
- [RoboCup@Home (Pj)](#robocuphome-pj-wise)
RoboCup@Home (Pj) (WiSe)
Can be registered as either 5 or 10 point project.
In first part is a introduction to the robot platform, exercises and tutorials for individual aspects of the robot platform will be carried out at the beginning of the semester. At the end, a robot behavior for a test challenge in teams of 2-4 students will be developed and tested.
The other part serves as practical preparation for the RoboCup team's participation in the competition.
Students acquire a wide range of practical knowledge and experience in different areas such as object recognition and manipulation to robot-human interaction.
- Introduction in:
- ROS: Basics, Simulation, Navigation, Manipulation
- Robot Behavior Programming
- Speech, Person and Object Recognition
- Challenge implementation
- Robocup@Home task implementation
Requirements for participation
- none
- Prior knowledge of mobile robotics, manipulation, computer vision, pattern recognition is recommended.