Daniel Göbel authored
Daniel Göbel authored#159
Development Setup
Install Dependencies
Install dependencies with npm
npm install
Environment Setup
This has to be done only once. Export the environment variables with the appropriate values and use the envsubst
to populate the template and create the file the public/env.js
export API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:9999/api
export S3_URL=http://localhost:9998
envsubst < src/assets/env.template.js > public/env.js
Backend Setup
Clone the repository for the backend and set up the service for developing.
Run linter and type check
npm run lint
npm run type-check
Run Dev Server
Start the dev service with npm
npm run dev
Create axios client
To create the axios client from the OpenAPI definition of the backend, start the backend and execute the following commands
curl -o openapi-clowm.json -L http://localhost:9999/api/openapi.json
npm run generate-client