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Base for using an aaambos architecture with the naoqi sdk (py2.7) that can control an embodied robot (pepper, nao).
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Base for using an aaambos architecture with the qibullet robot simulator.
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AMiRo / AMiRo-Apps
OtherA collection of applications and configurations to be used in combination with AMiRo-OS and μRtWare.
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A collection of applications and configurations to be used in combination with AMiRo-OS and μRtWare.
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Markus Rothgänger / AMiRo-Apps
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyA collection of applications and configurations to be used in combination with AMiRo-OS and μRtWare.
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GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe bootloader toolchain for the microcontroller based modules of the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo). It comprises the code for the microcontrollers as well as two according flashing tools and defines a system synchronization protocol (SSSP).
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AMiRo / AMiRo-CI
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 onlyAutomate compilation process with different configurations for AMiRo-OS and AMiRo-Apps.
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AMiRo / AMiRo-OS
OtherThe operating system for the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo). It is based on ChibiOS, but enhances it for more flexible use.
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AGGI Projects / ANGORA
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterANcestral reconstruction by local GenOme Rearrangement Analysis
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Markus Rothgänger / ase-apps
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
burst / burst.gitlab.io
MIT LicenseWebseite der BURST-Gruppe, basierend auf Hugo und als HTML mit gitlab-pages präsentiert (https://burst.pages.ub.uni-bielefeld.de/burst/)
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Übung: automatische Tests durch Continuous Integration mit Forschungsdaten und Publikationsdaten
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Übung: automatische Tests durch Continuous Integration mit Forschungsdaten und Publikationsdaten