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The bootloader toolchain for the microcontroller based modules of the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo). It comprises the code for the microcontrollers as well as two according flashing tools and defines a system synchronization protocol (SSSP).
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The operating system for the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo). It is based on ChibiOS, but enhances it for more flexible use.
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This is a compilation of low-level drivers for the various periphery of the Autonomous Mini Robot (AMiRo) platform.
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A collection of applications and configurations to be used in combination with AMiRo-OS and μRtWare.
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Incremental Processing Architecture for Artificial Conversational Agents
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Incremental Processing Architecture for Artificial Conversational Agents
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This is a mirror of the ChibiOS Subversion repository: https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/chibios/ For more information about ChibiOS, see the official homepage: http://www.chibios.org
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A collection of applications and configurations to be used in combination with AMiRo-OS and μRtWare.
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This embedded application is developed for ISY Project Shadow Palm. The embedded application is based on MPLAB Harmony.