- Mar 08, 2024
Fabian Heinrich authored
fheinrich authored
Fabian Heinrich authored
Fabian Heinrich authored
- Mar 07, 2024
Fabian Heinrich authored
Fabian Heinrich authored
Fabian Heinrich authored
- Mar 06, 2024
Fabian Heinrich authored
Fabian Heinrich authored
- Mar 05, 2024
Florian Schröder authored
The ActionType.PUT has been replaced with ActionType.PICK_UP_DROP across all instances in the codebase. This change aligns the action name with its actual function, making the action more intuitive and the code easier to understand. This update also includes minor modifications in comments and function arguments to reflect the new action name.
Florian Schröder authored
Enhanced overall code clarity by adding and revising detailed comments, docstrings, and typespecs in various Python modules. Significant changes include refining functionality of effect management in 'effects.py', modifications to use of 'numpy' arrays and functions in 'movement.py', as well as adjustments to handling hooks. Additionally, minor updates in 'configs/study/level1/level1_config.yaml' and 'counter_factory.py' were made.
Florian Schröder authored
Changed the pdoc execution command in the .gitlab-ci.yml to fix the link in the footer text. Adjustments were also made to the layout of the game in the basic.layout and __init__.py files, along with the game, player, and effect configurations. The player speed was reduced, the ability to undo dispenser pickup was added, and the effect
Fabian Heinrich authored
Fabian Heinrich authored
- Mar 04, 2024
Fabian Heinrich authored
Florian Schröder authored
The updates address issues with empty meal lists during order creation. When no meals are available, no orders will be created, returning empty lists instead. Furthermore, the mandatory meal assertion in the environment's validate_environment method has been commented out. The meal list in the level1 config has been updated to only include 'Burger'.
Fabian Heinrich authored
- Mar 03, 2024
Florian Schröder authored
The specific layout configuration in cooperative_cuisine has been modified. A certain object or layout component (represented by 'O') was removed. Additionally, the string on the last line has been slightly adjusted.
- Mar 01, 2024
Fabian Heinrich authored
- Feb 29, 2024
Florian Schröder authored
The EffectManager class along with related effects have been moved to a newly created effects.py module. Also, instead of importing from cooperative_cuisine.effect_manager, the rest of the code now imports from cooperative_cuisine.effects. This is mainly to improve the project structure and to clarify the code organization, and avoid circular import issues.
Florian Schröder authored
Action, ActionType, and InterActionData classes have been moved from the environment module into a separate file named action.py. All imports have been adjusted to reflect this change. This provides a clearer structure and improves modularity in the code, as all action related classes and enums are now organized in a single module.
Florian Schröder authored
The 'all_players_ready' field was moved from 'state_representation.py' to 'game_server.py'. Instead of being part of the initial state of the game, it's now part of the server environment, making it easier to keep track of the readiness of all players. Additionally, the game configuration in 'study_config.yaml' was updated to accommodate one player instead of two and no bots.
Fabian Heinrich authored
Florian Schröder authored
Made updates across multiple files targeting the usage and setting of configuration files. Several path settings have been altered, and the logic in the study server has been revised. Changes were also made in the file imports and other operations related to configurations and paths. Additionally, a validation check is added to warn if a player with the same name already exists in the environment.
Florian Schröder authored
The configurations for study level and game layout have been updated to accommodate new requirements. Additionally, a RecipeValidation class has been created to handle recipe graphs, which is now being utilized in both the drawing and game_server files. This is instead of the previous more scattered approach of handling such graphs within other classes or standalone functions. These changes make the code more organized and efficient.
Florian Schröder authored
This commit introduces a new Movement class which handles player movements, collisions, and interactions with counters in the 'cooperative_cuisine' environment. The commit also includes necessary changes to related configurations and adjustments in the 'environment.py' and 'player.py' files to accommodate the introduction of this new class. This encapsulation enhances readability, promotes code organization, and adheres to the principle of Single Responsibility.
Florian Schröder authored
Extended the test suite by adding new test cases and a new test file for dispensers and serving windows. The CI/CD pipeline was updated to include a coverage configuration file (.coveragerc), ensuring lines not relevant to coverage are excluded. Additionally, minor changes were made to the basic.layout file.
- Feb 28, 2024
Florian Schröder authored
Meal configurations in the level 1 configuration file are updated, swapping out the previous meals with new ones. Player name has been added as a parameter to the pick_up and drop_off methods in player.py and counters.py. This allows for better tracking of the actions of individual players, which can be useful in cooperative environments where player accountability is imperative. Additionally, served meals now also log the serving player's name, providing additional context during gameplay and post-game analysis.
Florian Schröder authored
This commit updates all references from Overcooked Simulator to Cooperative Cuisine across various titles, descriptions, URL and documentation in the code. Also added an undo dispenser pickup option to level configuration files and changed default server URL to localhost.
Florian Schröder authored
The 'order.py' module has been renamed to 'orders.py' for consistency and clarity. All references to this file within the code base, including import statements and comments, have been updated to reflect this change. A safer and more coherent codebase enhances readability and maintainability.
Florian Schröder authored
All configurations, scripts, and yaml files previously held in "game_content" are now placed in the "configs" directory for logical organization and better visibility. All references within the code that previously pointed to "game_content" have been updated to reflect the new "configs" path.