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  • """
    You can configure the order creation/generation via the `environment_config.yml`.
    It is very configurable by letting you reference own Python classes and functions.
      serving_not_ordered_meals: null
      order_gen_class:  !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration ''
    `serving_not_ordered_meals` expects a function. It received a meal as an argument and should return a
    tuple of a bool and the score. If the bool is true, the score will be added to the score. Otherwise, it will not
    accept the meal for serving.
    The `order_gen_class` should be a child of the `OrderGeneration` class. The `order_gen_kwargs` depend then on your
    class referenced.
    This file defines the following classes:
    - `Order`
    - `OrderGeneration`
    Further, it defines same implementations for the basic order generation based on random sampling:
    - `RandomOrderGeneration`
    For an easier usage of the random orders, also some classes for type hints and dataclasses are defined:
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
    - `RandomOrderKwarg`
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
    from __future__ import annotations
    import dataclasses
    import logging
    from abc import abstractmethod
    from collections import deque
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    from random import Random
    from typing import Callable, Tuple, Any, Deque, TypedDict, Type, Literal
    from cooperative_cuisine.hooks import (
    from cooperative_cuisine.items import Item, Plate, ItemInfo
    Fabian Heinrich's avatar
    Fabian Heinrich committed
    from cooperative_cuisine.state_representation import OrderState
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    """The logger for this module."""
    class OrderConfig(TypedDict):
        """The configuration of the order in the `environment_config`under the `order` key."""
        meals: dict[Literal["all"] | Literal["list"], bool | list[str]]
        """Config of which meals are ordered in orders. 
        If 'all: true' all (validated) meals will be ordered, else the ones specified under 'list'."""
        order_gen_class: Type[OrderGeneration]
        """The class that should handle the order generation."""
        order_gen_kwargs: dict[str, Any]
        """The additional kwargs for the order gen class."""
        serving_not_ordered_meals: Callable[[Item], Tuple[bool, float]]
    class Order:
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """Datawrapper for Orders"""
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        meal: ItemInfo
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """The meal to serve and that should be cooked."""
        start_time: datetime
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """The start time relative to the env_time. On which the order is returned from the get_orders func."""
        max_duration: timedelta
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """The duration after which the order expires."""
        uuid: str = dataclasses.field(default_factory=lambda: uuid.uuid4().hex)
        """The unique identifier for the order."""
        finished_info: dict[str, Any] = dataclasses.field(default_factory=dict)
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """Is set after the order is completed."""
    class OrderGeneration:
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """Base class for generating orders.
        You can set your child class via the `environment_config.yml`.
              order_gen_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration ''
        def __init__(
            hook: Hooks,
            random: Random,
            """Constructor of OrderGeneration.
                hook: An instance of Hooks class.
                random: An instance of Random class.
                **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
            self.available_meals: list[ItemInfo] | None = None
            """Available meals restricted through the `environment_config.yml`."""
            """Reference to the hook manager."""
            self.random = random
            """Random instance."""
        def init_orders(self, now) -> list[Order]:
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            """Get the orders the environment starts with."""
        def get_orders(
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            passed_time: timedelta,
            now: datetime,
            new_finished_orders: list[Order],
            expired_orders: list[Order],
        ) -> list[Order]:
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            """Orders for each progress call. Should often be the empty list."""
        """The Order and Score Manager that is called from the serving window."""
        def __init__(
            hook: Hooks,
            random: Random,
            """Constructor of OrderManager.
                order_config: A dictionary containing the configuration for orders.
                hook: An instance of the Hooks class.
                random: An instance of the Random class.
            self.random = random
            """Random instance."""
            self.order_gen: OrderGeneration = order_config["order_gen_class"](
            """The order generation."""
            self.serving_not_ordered_meals: Callable[
                [Item], Tuple[bool, float]
            ] = order_config["serving_not_ordered_meals"]
            """Function that decides if not ordered meals can be served and what score it gives"""
            """The meals for that orders can be sampled from."""
            self.open_orders: Deque[Order] = deque()
            """Current open orders. This attribute is used for the environment state."""
            # TODO log who / which player served which meal -> for split scores
            self.served_meals: list[Tuple[Item, datetime, str]] = []
            """List of served meals. Maybe for the end screen."""
            self.last_finished: list[Order] = []
            """Cache last finished orders for `OrderGeneration.get_orders` call. From the served meals."""
            self.next_relevant_time: datetime = datetime.max
            """For reduced order checking. Store the next time when to create an order."""
            self.last_expired: list[Order] = []
            """Cache last expired orders for `OrderGeneration.get_orders` call."""
            """Reference to the hook manager."""
        def set_available_meals(self, available_meals):
            """Set the available meals from which orders can be generated.
                available_meals (dict): A dictionary containing the available meals and their quantities.
            self.available_meals = available_meals
            self.order_gen.available_meals = list(available_meals.values())
        def update_next_relevant_time(self):
            """For more efficient checking when to do something in the progress call."""
            next_relevant_time = datetime.max
            for order in self.open_orders:
                next_relevant_time = min(
                    next_relevant_time, order.start_time + order.max_duration
            self.next_relevant_time = next_relevant_time
        def serve_meal(self, item: Item, env_time: datetime, player: str) -> bool:
            """Is called by the ServingWindow to serve a meal. Returns True if the meal can be served and should be
            "deleted" from the hands of the player."""
            if isinstance(item, Plate):
                meal = item.get_potential_meal()
                if meal is not None:
                    if in self.available_meals:
                        order = self.find_order_for_meal(meal)
                        if order is None:
                            if self.serving_not_ordered_meals:
                      "Serving meal without order {!r}")
                                self.served_meals.append((meal, env_time, player))
                                f"Do not serve meal {!r} because it is not ordered"
              "Serving meal {!r} with order")
                        del self.open_orders[index]
                        self.served_meals.append((meal, env_time, player))
                        order.finished_info["remaining_time_ratio"] = (
                            order.start_time + order.max_duration - env_time
                        ).total_seconds() / order.max_duration.total_seconds()
                            relative_order_time=env_time - order.start_time,
                self.hook(SERVE_WITHOUT_PLATE, item=item)
  "Do not serve item {item}")
            return False
        def create_init_orders(self, env_time):
            """Create the initial orders in an environment."""
            init_orders = self.order_gen.init_orders(env_time)
            self.hook(INIT_ORDERS, init_orders=init_orders)
            # self.update_next_relevant_time()
        def progress(self, passed_time: timedelta, now: datetime):
            """Check expired orders and check order generation."""
            new_orders = self.order_gen.get_orders(
            if new_orders:
                self.hook(NEW_ORDERS, new_orders=new_orders)
            self.last_finished = []
            self.last_expired = []
            if new_orders or self.next_relevant_time <= now:
                # reduce checking calls
                remove_orders: list[int] = []
                for index, order in enumerate(self.open_orders):
                    if now >= order.start_time + order.max_duration:
                        # orders expired
                        self.hook(ORDER_EXPIRED, order=order)
                expired_orders: list[Order] = []
                for remove_order in reversed(remove_orders):
                    del self.open_orders[remove_order]
                self.last_expired = expired_orders
        def find_order_for_meal(self, meal) -> Tuple[Order, int] | None:
            """Get the order that will be fulfilled for a meal. At the moment the oldest order in the list that has the
            same meal (name)."""
            for index, order in enumerate(self.open_orders):
                if ==
                    return order, index
    Fabian Heinrich's avatar
    Fabian Heinrich committed
        def order_state(self) -> list[OrderState]:
            """Similar to the `to_dict` in `Item` and `Counter`. Relevant for the state of the environment"""
                    "id": order.uuid,
                    "category": "Order",
                    "start_time": order.start_time.isoformat(),
                    "max_duration": order.max_duration.total_seconds(),
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
    class RandomFuncConfig(TypedDict):
        """Types of the dict for sampling with different random functions from the [`random` library](
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            Sampling [uniform]( between `10` and `20`.
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            func: uniform
              a: 10
              b: 20
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            random_func = {'func': 'uniform', 'kwargs': {'a': 10, 'b': 20}}
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """the name of a functions in the `random` library."""
        kwargs: dict
        """the kwargs of the functions in the `random` library."""
    class RandomOrderKwarg:
        num_start_meals: int
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """Number of meals sampled at the start."""
        sample_on_serving: bool
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """Only sample the delay for the next order after a meal was served."""
        sample_on_dur_random_func: RandomFuncConfig
        """How to sample the delay of the next incoming order. Either after a new meal was served or the last order was 
        generated (based on the `sample_on_serving` attribute)."""
        max_orders: int
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """How many orders can maximally be active at the same time."""
        order_duration_random_func: RandomFuncConfig
        """How long the order is alive until it expires. If `sample_on_serving` is `true` all orders have no expire time."""
    class RandomOrderGeneration(OrderGeneration):
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        """A simple order generation based on random sampling with two options.
        Either sample the delay when a new order should come in after the last order comes in or after a meal was served
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
        (and an order got removed).
        To configure it align your kwargs with the `RandomOrderKwarg` class.
        You can set this order generation in your `environment_config.yml` with
          order_gen_class: !!python/name:cooperative_cuisine.orders.RandomOrderGeneration ''
          # the class to that receives the kwargs. Should be a child class of OrderGeneration in
              # how long should the orders be alive
              # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
              func: uniform
                a: 40
                b: 60
            max_orders: 6
            # maximum number of active orders at the same time
            num_start_meals: 2
            # number of orders generated at the start of the environment
              # 'random' library call with getattr, kwargs are passed to the function
              func: uniform
                a: 10
                b: 20
            sample_on_serving: false
            # Sample the delay for the next order only after a meal was served.
          serving_not_ordered_meals: true
          # can meals that are not ordered be served / dropped on the serving window
        def __init__(
            hook: Hooks,
            random: Random,
            """Constructor of RandomOrderGeneration.
                hook (Hooks): The hook object.
                random (Random): The random object.
                **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments.
            super().__init__(hook, random, **kwargs)
            self.kwargs: RandomOrderKwarg = RandomOrderKwarg(**kwargs["kwargs"])
            """Configuration og the RandomOrder genration. See `RandomOrderKwarg`"""
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            self.next_order_time: datetime | None = datetime.max
            """For efficient checking to update order removable."""
            self.number_cur_orders: int = 0
            """How many orders are currently open."""
            self.num_needed_orders: int = 0
            """For the sample on dur but when it was restricted due to max order number."""
        def init_orders(self, now) -> list[Order]:
            self.number_cur_orders = self.kwargs.num_start_meals
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            if not self.kwargs.sample_on_serving:
            if self.available_meals:
                return self.create_orders_for_meals(
                        self.available_meals, k=self.kwargs.num_start_meals
            self.number_cur_orders = 0
        def get_orders(
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            passed_time: timedelta,
            now: datetime,
            new_finished_orders: list[Order],
            expired_orders: list[Order],
        ) -> list[Order]:
            if not self.available_meals:
                return []
            self.number_cur_orders -= len(new_finished_orders)
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            self.number_cur_orders -= len(expired_orders)
            if self.kwargs.sample_on_serving:
                if new_finished_orders:
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
                    return []
            # print(self.number_cur_orders, self.num_needed_orders)
            if self.num_needed_orders:
                # self.num_needed_orders -= len(new_finished_orders)
                # self.num_needed_orders = max(self.num_needed_orders, 0)
                # self.number_cur_orders += len(new_finished_orders)
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
                return self.create_orders_for_meals(
                        k=len(new_finished_orders) + len(expired_orders),
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            if self.next_order_time <= now:
                if self.number_cur_orders >= self.kwargs.max_orders:
                    self.num_needed_orders += 1
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
                    if not self.kwargs.sample_on_serving:
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
                        self.next_order_time = datetime.max
                    self.number_cur_orders += 1
                    return self.create_orders_for_meals(
        def create_orders_for_meals(
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
            self, meals: list[ItemInfo], now: datetime, no_time_limit: bool = False
        ) -> list[Order]:
            """Create order objects for given meals by sampling the duration of the orders.
                meals: A list of ItemInfo objects representing the meals for which orders need to be created.
                now: A datetime object representing the current env time (the start time of the orders).
                no_time_limit: A boolean indicating whether there should be no limit on the order duration. Defaults to False.
                A list of Order objects representing the created orders.
            orders = []
            for meal in meals:
                if no_time_limit:
                    if isinstance(self.kwargs.order_duration_random_func["func"], str):
                        seconds = getattr(
                            self.random, self.kwargs.order_duration_random_func["func"]
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
                        seconds = self.kwargs.order_duration_random_func["func"](
                    duration = timedelta(seconds=seconds)
      "Create order for meal {meal} with duration {duration}")
            return orders
        def create_random_next_time_delta(self, now: datetime):
            if isinstance(self.kwargs.order_duration_random_func["func"], str):
                seconds = getattr(
                    self.random, self.kwargs.sample_on_dur_random_func["func"]
                seconds = self.kwargs.sample_on_dur_random_func["func"](
            self.next_order_time = now + timedelta(seconds=seconds)
    Florian Schröder's avatar
    Florian Schröder committed
  "Next order in {self.next_order_time}")