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  • """The player contains the logic which method to call on counters and items for a pick action:
    * If the player **holds nothing**, it **picks up** the content from the counter.
    * If the **item** the player **holds** can be **dropped** on the counter it will do so.
    * If the counter is not a sink or plate dispenser, it checks if it **can combine the content** on the counter **with the
    holding object**. If so, it picks up the content and combines it on its hands.
    Dominik Battefeld's avatar
    Dominik Battefeld committed
    import logging
    from datetime import datetime, timedelta
    import numpy.typing as npt
    from cooperative_cuisine.counters import Counter
    from cooperative_cuisine.hooks import (
    from cooperative_cuisine.items import Item, ItemType
    from cooperative_cuisine.state_representation import PlayerState
    Dominik Battefeld's avatar
    Dominik Battefeld committed
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    """The logger for this module."""
    Dominik Battefeld's avatar
    Dominik Battefeld committed
    class PlayerConfig:
        """Configure the player attributes in the `environment.yml`."""
        radius: float = 0.4
        """The size of the player. The size of a counter is 1"""
        speed_units_per_seconds: float | int = 8
        """The move distance/speed of the player per action call."""
        interaction_range: float = 1.6
        """How far player can interact with counters."""
        restricted_view: bool = False
        """Whether or not the player can see the entire map at once or just a view frustrum."""
        view_angle: int | None = None
        """Angle of the players view if restricted."""
        view_range: float | None = None
        """Range of the players view if restricted. In grid units."""
    class Player:
        """Class representing a player in the game environment. A player consists of a name, their position and what
        the player is currently holding in the hands.
        This class handles interactions with counters and objects.
            """Constructor of Player.
                name: The name of the player.
                player_config: The player's configuration object.
                pos: The initial position of the player. Defaults to None.
            """Reference for the player"""
            self.pos: npt.NDArray[float] | None = None
            """The initial/suggested position of the player."""
            if pos is not None:
                self.pos: npt.NDArray[float] = np.array(pos, dtype=float)
            self.holding: Optional[Item] = None
            """What item the player is holding."""
            self.player_config: PlayerConfig = player_config
            self.facing_direction: npt.NDArray[float] = np.array([0, 1])
            """Current direction the player looks."""
            self.last_interacted_counter: Optional[
            ] = None  # needed to stop progress when moved away
            """With which counter the player interacted with in the last environment step."""
            self.current_nearest_counter: Optional[Counter] = None
            """The counter to interact with."""
            self.facing_point: npt.NDArray[float] = np.zeros(2, float)
            """A point on the "circle" of the players border in the `facing_direction` with which the closest counter is 
            calculated with."""
            self.current_movement: npt.NDArray[float] = np.zeros(2, float)
            """The movement vector that will be used to calculate the movement in the next step call."""
            self.movement_until: datetime = datetime.min
            """The env time until the player wants to move."""
            self.interacting: bool = False
            """Is the player currently interacting with a counter."""
            """Hook manager. Register callbacks and create hook points with additional kwargs."""
        def set_movement(self, move_vector, move_until):
            """Called by the `perform_action` method. Movements will be performed (pos will be updated) in the `step`
            function of the environment"""
            self.current_movement = move_vector
            self.movement_until = move_until
            if self.interacting:
        def move_abs(self, new_pos: npt.NDArray[float]):
            """Overwrites the player location by the new_pos 2d-vector. Absolute movement.
            Mostly needed for resetting the player after a collision.
                new_pos: 2D-Vector of the new player position.
        def turn(self, direction: npt.NDArray[float]):
            """Turns the player in the given direction. Overwrites the facing_direction by a given 2d-vector.
            facing_direction is normalized to length 1.
                direction: 2D-Vector of the direction for the player to face.
            if np.linalg.norm(direction) != 0:
                self.facing_direction = direction / np.linalg.norm(direction)
        def update_facing_point(self):
            """Update facing point on the player border circle based on the radius."""
    Fabian Heinrich's avatar
    Fabian Heinrich committed
            self.facing_point = self.pos + (self.facing_direction * 0.62)
        def can_reach(self, counter: Counter) -> bool:
            """Checks whether the player can reach the counter in question. Simple check if the distance is not larger
            than the player interaction range.
                counter: The counter, can the player reach it?
                True if the counter is in range of the player, False if not.
            return (
                np.linalg.norm(counter.pos - self.facing_point)
                <= self.player_config.interaction_range
        def put_action(self, counter: Counter):
            """Performs the pickup-action with the counter. Handles the logic of what the player is currently holding,
            what is currently on the counter and what can be picked up or combined in hand.
                counter: The counter to pick things up from or put things down.
                self.holding = counter.pick_up(
                self.holding = counter.drop_off(self.holding,
            elif not isinstance(
                counter.occupied_by, (list, deque)
            ) and self.holding.can_combine(counter.occupied_by):
                returned_by_counter = counter.pick_up(on_hands=False,
    Dominik Battefeld's avatar
    Dominik Battefeld committed
                f"Self: {self.holding.__class__.__name__}: {self.holding}, {counter.__class__.__name__}: {counter.occupied_by}"
    Dominik Battefeld's avatar
    Dominik Battefeld committed
            # if isinstance(self.holding, Plate):
            #     log.debug(self.holding.clean)
        def perform_interact_start(self, counter: Counter):
            """Starts an interaction with the counter. Should be called for a
            keydown event, for holding down a key on the keyboard.
                counter: The counter to start the interaction with.
            self.interacting = True
            self.last_interacted_counter = counter
            self.hook(PLAYER_START_INTERACT,, counter=counter)
        def perform_interact_stop(self):
            """Stops an interaction with the counter. Should be called for a keyup event, for letting go of a keyboard
            self.interacting = False
            self.last_interacted_counter = None
        def progress(self, passed_time: timedelta, now: datetime):
            """Iterative progress call on the player.
            Similar to the `Counter.progress` method.
            How often it is called depends on the `env_step_frequency` or how often `step` is called.
                passed_time: The amount of time that has passed since the last call of the method.
                now: The current env time.
            if self.interacting and self.last_interacted_counter:
                # TODO only interact on counter (Sink/CuttingBoard) if hands are free configure in config?
                if self.holding:
                    if self.holding.item_info.type == ItemType.Tool:
                            passed_time, self.holding
                        passed_time, now,
        def __repr__(self):
            return f"Player(name:{},pos:{str(self.pos)},holds:{self.holding})"
        def to_dict(self) -> PlayerState:
            """For the state representation. Only the relevant attributes are put into the dict."""
            # TODO add color to player class for vis independent player color
            return {
                "pos": self.pos.tolist(),
                "facing_direction": self.facing_direction.tolist(),
                "holding": self.holding.to_dict() if self.holding else None,
                "current_nearest_counter_pos": self.current_nearest_counter.pos.tolist()
                if self.current_nearest_counter
                else None,
                "current_nearest_counter_id": self.current_nearest_counter.uuid
                if self.current_nearest_counter
                else None,