- Feb 29, 2024
Florian Schröder authored
The EffectManager class along with related effects have been moved to a newly created effects.py module. Also, instead of importing from cooperative_cuisine.effect_manager, the rest of the code now imports from cooperative_cuisine.effects. This is mainly to improve the project structure and to clarify the code organization, and avoid circular import issues.
Florian Schröder authored
Action, ActionType, and InterActionData classes have been moved from the environment module into a separate file named action.py. All imports have been adjusted to reflect this change. This provides a clearer structure and improves modularity in the code, as all action related classes and enums are now organized in a single module.
Florian Schröder authored
The 'all_players_ready' field was moved from 'state_representation.py' to 'game_server.py'. Instead of being part of the initial state of the game, it's now part of the server environment, making it easier to keep track of the readiness of all players. Additionally, the game configuration in 'study_config.yaml' was updated to accommodate one player instead of two and no bots.
Florian Schröder authored
The player addition test has been updated to check for error handling. Now, it checks if adding a player with an already existing name raises a ValueError, instead of testing for a restriction in player count.
Florian Schröder authored
Made updates across multiple files targeting the usage and setting of configuration files. Several path settings have been altered, and the logic in the study server has been revised. Changes were also made in the file imports and other operations related to configurations and paths. Additionally, a validation check is added to warn if a player with the same name already exists in the environment.
Florian Schröder authored
The configurations for study level and game layout have been updated to accommodate new requirements. Additionally, a RecipeValidation class has been created to handle recipe graphs, which is now being utilized in both the drawing and game_server files. This is instead of the previous more scattered approach of handling such graphs within other classes or standalone functions. These changes make the code more organized and efficient.
Florian Schröder authored
This commit introduces a new Movement class which handles player movements, collisions, and interactions with counters in the 'cooperative_cuisine' environment. The commit also includes necessary changes to related configurations and adjustments in the 'environment.py' and 'player.py' files to accommodate the introduction of this new class. This encapsulation enhances readability, promotes code organization, and adheres to the principle of Single Responsibility.
Florian Schröder authored
Extended the test suite by adding new test cases and a new test file for dispensers and serving windows. The CI/CD pipeline was updated to include a coverage configuration file (.coveragerc), ensuring lines not relevant to coverage are excluded. Additionally, minor changes were made to the basic.layout file.
Florian Schröder authored
Florian Schröder authored
Resolve "More test coverage" Closes #65 See merge request scs/cocosy/overcooked-simulator!31
Florian Schröder authored
The labels for the main and development test coverage badges in the README file have been updated. They now specifically say "Main Test Coverage" and "Dev Test Coverage" to provide clearer information about what they represent.
Florian Schröder authored
The links from the coverage report badges in the README.md file have been removed. This means the badges are now only displayed as images, but will no longer lead to detailed reports when clicked on.
Florian Schröder authored
The images and badges in the README file have been aligned to the center for aesthetic improvement. Additionally, the width parameters of a couple of badges have been adjusted to fit them perfectly within the newly center-aligned format. A "work in progress" note has also been removed.
Florian Schröder authored
The key width for the Main Pipeline, Main Coverage, and Dev Coverage badge links in the README.md file have been slightly increased. This ensures that the badge text is fully visible and without overlapping adjacent badges or text.
Florian Schröder authored
The key width value in the badge URLs was decreased from 130 to 80, resulting in a cleaner presentation of the project README file. The update affects both the main and dev pipelines and coverage report badges.
Florian Schröder authored
The commit changes the README file by updating the pipeline and coverage badges. It adds direct links to the main and dev commit history on these badges, improving navigation and making it easier to access the corresponding information.
Florian Schröder authored
The pipeline and coverage badges in the README file have been updated for better clarity. Instead of a single badge for every branch, there are now separate badges for the main and development branches.
Florian Schröder authored
The pytest command in `.gitlab-ci.yml` file has been updated to include also `term-missing` coverage report and junit report. This configuration outputs which lines were not hit by testing and produces the report in xml format suitable for integration with CI systems.
Florian Schröder authored
The commit modifies the regular expression used for coverage reporting in .gitlab-ci.yml. The change ensures correct mapping and accurate percentage capture by controlling the starting point of the coverage line match.
Florian Schröder authored
The regular expression used to extract the coverage percentage from the coverage report was updated. Due to modified output format of pytest, the regex pattern was not working correctly. It has been changed to ensure accurate extraction.
Florian Schröder authored
The regular expression pattern for the coverage line in the .gitlab-ci.yml file was not properly formatted. It was causing issues in the CI pipeline as it couldn't correctly parse the coverage percentage. This commit wraps the expression in single quotes to correct this issue.
Florian Schröder authored
The coverage pattern has been updated in the .gitlab-ci.yml file. The change made was to remove the special wildcard characters from the start of the regex pattern. This modification improves pattern recognition for the coverage report.
Florian Schröder authored
The .gitlab-ci.yml file was updated to change the coverage regex and remove the specific branches that the pytest stage runs on. In the README file, a typo in the coverage badge URL was corrected.
Florian Schröder authored
The .gitlab-ci.yml file is modified to limit pytest to only 'main' and '65-more-test-coverage' branches. In the README.md, the pipeline and coverage badge URLs have been updated to dynamically reflect the current branch.
Florian Schröder authored
The setup file has been updated to remove the 'tests_require' attribute. Instead, 'test_requirements' has been added under 'extras_require'. This change allows the flexible installation of test requirements.
Florian Schröder authored
In the file .gitlab-ci.yml, the path to the coverage report file has been updated. It has been changed from `cooperative_cuisine/coverage.xml` to `coverage.xml`, adjusting the directory where the report file is located.
Florian Schröder authored
The two pip installation commands in the .gitlab-ci.yml script have been combined into a single command. This change simplifies the script and ensures all necessary packages, including pytest, are installed correctly for the test environment.
Florian Schröder authored
The coverage path in .gitlab-ci.yml has been updated to point to the correct directory within the project structure. Additionally, the badge URLs in the README.md file have been corrected to display the proper pipeline and coverage status for this project.
Florian Schröder authored
The pytest command in the .gitlab-ci.yml file has been updated to remove redundant output. Previously, the command specified both `term` and `xml:coverage.xml` for `--cov-report`, but now it only includes `xml:coverage.xml` to simplify the report generation.
Florian Schröder authored
The pytest command in the GitLab CI configuration has been updated to also generate a coverage report. Additionally, the coverage reporting syntax has been altered to specifically target the Cobertura coverage format and specify the path for the coverage.xml file.
Florian Schröder authored
Removed the coverage line from the .gitlab-ci.yml file. Also, badges for the pipeline status and coverage were added to the README file. The changes improve the information available at a glance on the project's README.
Florian Schröder authored
Changed the testing script in .gitlab-ci.yml to use Pytest's coverage feature instead of the standalone Coverage tool. Also, updated the test_requirements in setup.py to include pytest-cov, eliminating the need for separate coverage version.
Florian Schröder authored
The pytest command in .gitlab-ci.yml has been updated to include code coverage measurements. The "coverage" Python package was added in setup.py under test requirements. Also, small updates were made in tests to reflect changes in the module imports and object comparisons.
Florian Schröder authored
Florian Schröder authored
Resolve "player id in hooks and in all relevant methods" Closes #100 See merge request scs/cocosy/overcooked-simulator!69
- Feb 28, 2024
Florian Schröder authored
Meal configurations in the level 1 configuration file are updated, swapping out the previous meals with new ones. Player name has been added as a parameter to the pick_up and drop_off methods in player.py and counters.py. This allows for better tracking of the actions of individual players, which can be useful in cooperative environments where player accountability is imperative. Additionally, served meals now also log the serving player's name, providing additional context during gameplay and post-game analysis.
Florian Schröder authored
Updated instructions on how to start the game and study servers, and run PyGame GUI individually. Now, these can be initiated with specific arguments. Enhanced the data descriptions by adding additional documentation for Study Config and for generating images/videos from recordings. Also, revised the base models and TypedDicts within state representation.
Florian Schröder authored
Resolve "File, dir renaming" Closes #71 See merge request scs/cocosy/overcooked-simulator!67
Florian Schröder authored
The installation instructions in README.md and __init__.py have been updated to reflect the change in directory name from 'cooperative_cuisine' to 'overcooked-simulator'. This update ensures the correct directory is specified for the 'cd' command post cloning of the repository.
Florian Schröder authored
The project title in the README.md file was incorrect. This commit updates it from "Cooperative Cuisine Simulator" to the correct title, "Cooperative Cuisine Environment".